In 2018 we built the biggest white box we have ever built for an engineering company in Preston. Our chamber was used to maintain precise temperature control during a pressure test on a stainless steel nuclear decontamination chamber that was destined for Japan to assist in the clean up effort.
Having operated in the pharmaceutical sector for many years I thought our industry produced some of the best stainless steel fabrications but I have to say these guys churned out some impressive work. Great to see that the UK still has some great fabrication engineering skills being utilised by other countries – but how long for I wonder?
There was a little bit of banter at the handover, we thought their fabrication work was the most impressive thing we had seen for a long time, they said the close temperature control throughout the entire space was something they didn’t think was achievable within the budget they had so they thought that beats their metal bashing – so we all shook hands (before covid) and agreed to disagree.
Next month (Feb 22) we start construction on a second room they have ordered which is more than twice the size, the phrase “go big or go home” springs to mind.
Having built many close controlled validated pharmaceutical fridges in recent months the guys are looking forward to doing something a little different next month – we love a new challenge at technickon.
As the design engineer I told the guys I was looking forward to physically checking Hemsec’s maximum single panel ceiling spans they quote but they all gave me some blank looks (again)…
We love a challenge and often pick up the most unusual projects that get our creative minds going so if you have a project for a critical environment that’s a little unusual or think it can’t be done, chances are we would be interested to get involved.
We also repair, fix and upgrade rooms that don’t function as required – there is always a solution and 50% of our time at technickon is spent rectifying and wondering why someone designed it like that…
No one is going home and we are going BIG on the biggest white box we have ever built to date.